2010/05/13 | 常虹在加拿大温哥华举办个人动画作品影展
类别(我的动画) | 评论(3) | 阅读(930) | 发表于 08:10


五月下旬,加拿大西部最大的城市温哥华迎来了继2010年冬奥会后的一项十分重要的文化活动。在大温哥华地区的烈治文市隆重举办了第三届新亚洲电影节(New Asia Film Festival)。电影节共举办了四天,每天都安排不同的、来自亚洲和全世界不同国家和地区的优秀影院长片、纪录片、短片和动画片的展映活动。五月二十九日下午一时,在这次电影节的中心举办地烈治文文化中心放映厅内特别举办了常虹个人动画作品的专题展映(Special Showcase of Joe Chang Animation Films,放映任职中国浙江工业大学艺术学院常虹教授近年来所独立编导和创作的六部动画短片,它们是《二胡》、《潘天寿》、《茶馆》、《父与子》、《春闺梦》和《山村情》,展映时间总长为四十五分钟。
在动画影片展映之前,常虹教授将他自己撰写的、已出版的图书和策划出版的动画DVD光盘赠送给加拿大温哥华烈治文市公共图书馆(the Richmond Public Library)。影片展映后,还举办了常虹教授与观众进行现场交流与对话的活动,场面十分热烈。


Special Showcase of Joe Chang Animation Films

Screening Time
Saturday, May 29, 1:00 pm

About Joe Chang

Joe Chang is an award-winning director, animator and artist. He studied at Lu-Xun Academy of Fine Arts in China and Tama Art University in Japan and believes that rational analysis is as equally important as sensual expression.

Joe emigrated from China to Canada in 1990 and became a resident of Richmond in 1996. The animated short Chinese Violin was his first film with the National Film Board of Canada. His most recent animated film is A Long-Distance Call.

Currently, Joe is working at the School of Art of Zhejiang University of Technology as a Dean and professor. He and his family often come back spending holiday in their Richmond home. His two sons, who are 12 and 10, were both born in Richmond hospital.

Joe Chang will be coming back from China to attend the screening and will donate his art works to the Richmond Public Library.

The Chinese Violin
Director/Writer/Animator: Joe Chang
Animation |  2002 | 8 minutes 21seconds
A NFB Production

A young girl and her father move from China to Canada, bringing only their Chinese violin along for the journey. As they face the challenge of starting fresh in a new place, the music of the violin connects them to the life they left behind and guides the girl towards a musical future.

Pan Tian Shou
Director/Writer/Producer/Animator: Joe Chang
Animation |2003 | 6 minutes

Adapted from Chinese Master Painter Pan Tian Shou’s life and paintings, this animated short features a creative and unique combination of static & animated scenes.

Father and Son
Director/Writer/Producer/Animator: Joe Chang
Animation | 2005 | 5 minutes

This animated short film draws inspiration from his 6-year-old son and his perceptions of the process of bonding between parent and child. With humour and sentiment, it hopes to draw people’s attention to the extraordinary moments in our otherwise ordinary lives.

Madame Zhang’s Dream

Director/Writer/Producer/Animator: Joe Chang
Animation | 2007 | 6 minutes

Madame Zhang’s lover goes off to war leaving her heartbroken and lonely. Her anguish and undying love are illustrated by combining colourful animation and Peking Opera.

A Long-Distance Call
Director/Writer/Producer/Animator: Joe Chang
Animation | 2008 | 12 minutes

A LONG-DISTANCE CALL is about a young artist who goes to a secluded mountainous area in southern China. To her shock, the village was very aged with sparse population. This film shows the emotions between a farmer’s parents and their children remaining in the rural area.


