2007/10/02 | 介绍一个国际动画电影节的参展规则和表格填写
类别(动画电影节信息) | 评论(3) | 阅读(308) | 发表于 08:03





RFAF is individual legal subject that works on propagande of animated film among young people in BiH and other countries. Its  main goal is positive influence on developement of film industry and culture through creative meetings and coorporation of young people.




  1. Animated films (duration 25 minutes)  can partcipate  (动画片不要超过25分钟)。
  2. Author can report 3 films ( without consideration on year of production)  (参与者可最多寄送三部动画片)。
  3. Films that  propagandize rasisam and pornography will not enter compettition program.  (动画片中如果有种族歧视或色情内容,将不被接受)。
  4. Films can be drawn in classical way or 3D animated.  (动画片可以是传统动画,也可以是三维动画。

 III: DATES   时间结点


Date of festival: since 14.01.2007. until21.01.2007.  (电影节举办时间)。

Deadline of registration: 05.09.2006.  (寄送作品的截止日期)。




All registrations must fulfil next:   (所有申请参与者寄送影片时必须符合下列要求:)

1.        VHS or DVD film   (VHS录像带或DVD光碟)。

2.        Filled and signed entery form    (填写申请表并有签字)。

3.        Fotography and biography of director  (导演的从影履历)。

4.        3 photos from film (minim.)  (三幅从影片中截取的静帧图片)。

5.        Declaration of author if he is willing to work with children during the camp.  (说明此影片是否适合儿童观看)。

With Your signature on entery form  You authorize festival for using and  advertising  all materials in festival catalogue.  (以上的信息将被用于电影节简介和宣传册中)。





1 or 2 projections of every film daily.

All selected films will be projected in original version.




-          Reward for the best fim  (proffesional jury)

-          Reward of auditory (members of drawing school)

-          Reward for the best animation (leaders of working part of festival)

-          Reward for the best music (professional jury)

-          Reward for the best animated music clip

-          Reward for the best animated advertising films

-          DIPLOMAS for all participants of working part of festivala.



Films that come from  accross the borders of ex Jugoslavija, folowed with dialogues and comments, must be titled in english language.  (如果是境外影片,必须带有英文字幕)。



Authors whose films entered the selection are invited to be guests during the festival.Festival covers all expences of accomodation for one representative of film.Travel expences must be paid by authors.






Originalni naslov / Original Title……………… 原版题目………………………………………………………….….

Naslov na engleskom / English Title………… 英文题目………………………………….....................................

Redatelj / Director……………………………… 导演…………………………………………………………….………

Adresa / Address………………………………  地址………………………………………………………….……….

Telefon / Phone Number………………………  电话………………………………………………………….….……

Fax / Fax………………………………………… 电传……………………………………………………….……………

Biografija redatelja / Biography……………… 导演简历……………………………………………………….….….




Producent / Producer………………………… 制片人简历……………………………………………….…………..

Adresa / Address………………………………  地址…………………………………………………….……………..

Telefon / Phone Number………………………  电话……………………………………………………………….…….

Fax / Fax………………………………………… 电传…………………………………………………………………….

Trajanje filma / Running Time…………………影片放映长度……………………………………………………

Godina proizvodnje / Production Date……… 影片完成日期……………………………………………………...

Crno bijeli / Black and White 黑白                                                      Kolor/Color 彩色                

Scenario / Script…………………………………编剧………………………………………………………………….

Animacija / Animation………………………… 动画……………………………………………………………………

Crtež / Drawing………………………………… 绘制……………………………………………….…………….…….

Scenografija / Background…………………… 背景…………………………………………….….………….…….

Trik kamera / Camera………………………… 摄影………………………………………………..………….…….

Muzika / Music………………………………… 音乐…………………………………………………….………...

Zvučni efekti / Sound……………………………音效………………………………………………………………….….

Montaža / Editing……………………………… 剪辑………………………………………………………….…………


kratak sadržaj filma / Film Synopsis  影片的内容简介(英文)。









Format / Orginal Title  原始影片格式                      BETACAM       MINI DVD        DVD   

Kategorija / Categories 分类(填空)   Konkurencija/Competition                参赛?     

Do 5 minuta/Up to 5 minutes                   5分钟以下?

Od 5 do 25 minuta/More than 5 minutes           5分钟以上?

Zabavnifilm/Fiction    虚构内容?

Ekspermentalni/Experimental animated films    试验动画?

Reklamni film (animirani ili djelomično animirani)/ Advertising films 广告动画?

Muzički spot (animirani ili djelomično animirani)/ Musical clips             音乐动画?

Studentska konkurencija/Student competition 学生动画作品?

Tehnika realizacije

/ Techniques of creation  动画技术手段 Crtež na celu / Drawing on cells    赛璐珞片绘制?

Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper       纸面绘制?

Lutka / Puppets      木偶动画?

Plastelin / Clay      粘土动画?

Pjesak / Sand      沙子动画?

Fotografija / Photo      照片拼贴动画?

Kolaž / Cut – outs      剪纸动画?

Piksilacija / Pixilation     像素动画?

3D Kompjuter / 3D Computer      三维电脑动画?

Druge tehnike / other techniques      其他动画?

Prikazano na drugim festivalima         

/ Was it shown at other Festivals        Da / Yes          Ne / No   


Nagrade / Prizes                            Da / Yes          Ne / No            


Dijalozi / Dialogues                      Da / Yes          Ne / No         ……………………………

                                                        Jezik / Language of dialogues


Titlovi / Subtitles                    Da / Yes          Ne / No         …………………………….……

                                                        Jezik / Language of dialogues


















Autorizacija / Authorizations  授权许可 (填空)    

Osim ako nije utvrđeno drugačije kopije poslane za selekciju ostaju u arhivi festivala.

Unless indicated otherwise, the copy sent for selection will remain in the festival's archives.   



Slažem se da se moji filmovi prikazuju na javnim nekomercijalnim projekcijama i u drugim              

gradovima u periodu od 30 dana od završetka festivala.

I agree that my films are projected in public noncommercial projections in other towns in period of 30 days since ending of festival.



Dozvoljavam da se 10% trajanja filma mogu prikazati na televiziji radi informacija i promocije festivala.

I authorize the projection of minim. 10% of its' length on television for information purposes.



Slažem se sa prikazivanjem mog filma koje promoviše festival RFAF  kroz škole, kulturne institucije

 i filmska udruženja.

I agree with the screening of my film in special programmes promoted by RFAF with no

commercial purpose,  in cultural activities organized by Schools,

Cultural Associations, Film Societies.



Slažem se da se fotografije i crteži iz filma mogu koristiti i na internetu za promociju festivala.

I agree on using of photos of the film for Internet promotion purposes.        




Slažem se da učestvujem u radnom dijelu festivala sa mladim polaznicima.

I agree to participate in working part of festival with young participants.








Vratiti BETACAM SP / Return BETACAM SP to:  寄回电影节放映影片拷贝Betacam SP 的地址

Adresa / Address…………………………………………………………………

Telefon /    Phone Number………………………………………………………..

Faxks / Fax……………………………………………………………………….

E – mail:…………………………………………………………………………..




Datum / Date………………日期 …………….                              Potpis / Signature……  签字…………………….


