2007/09/05 | 国际网上影视作品比赛
类别(动画电影节信息) | 评论(6) | 阅读(224) | 发表于 10:45

After the success of its First Nine contests, Filmaka has launched its Tenth

contest 'The Clinic'. Submissions are accepted till 30th  September 2007.

This month’s topic is "The Clinic" and all 1-3 minute films must be uploaded by midnight PST, 30th September, 2007. The annual grand prize is a feature film contract.

Filmaka.com is a new online competition, judged by award winning filmmakers including Werner Herzog, Neil LaBute, Paul Schrader and Wim Wenders, and founded by leading independent producers and financiers. Filmmakers have a new chance to enter each month, and submissions are accepted in 10 different languages.

Please visit www.filmaka.com to see past contest submissions, and for complete rules, terms and conditions. Membership is free for full time students: email collegeregistration@filmaka.com from your school issued email account for more information.

