Synopsis of the Artistically Animated Film Father and Son
Joe Chang
I believe animation should encompass not only a light-hearted amusement or a rigorous
commitment to the development of technical skills, but also the cultivation of an artist’s
personal voice and vision as a member of a larger global culture. An animation director
should be encouraged, therefore, to trust their intuition in the exploration of a personal
psychological landscape. I am trying to have a strong grounding in critical thinking,
contemporary theory and art practice, in order to find a new allegorical approach to the
self, society and culture in my diverse world. This is especially important as to find new
media or multi-media approaches to the production of animation.
For me, the inspiration of artistic creation always derives from my own experience and
understanding of life. Father and Son is based on a true story. This five-minute short
animated film is a combination of my own experience and inspiration drawn from my
6-year-old son. It is created from a new angle of artistic observation, and tells the story
of sensibility, sentiment and humor, and especially the bonding of a parent and a kid.
I hope to bring to people’s attention some extraordinarily interesting minutes in our
ordinary lives.
Bonding of a parent and his kid has been the everlasting hot theme
represented by artists ancient and modern; however, when facing the
time of emotions of the parent and his kid, an artist would distinguish
himself in his works with his unique artistic insight and comprehension.
In terms of artistic practice, I arm at maintaining a balance between reality and fiction,
dynamic and static, exaggeration and subtlety, intending to create a unique animation
style of hand-drawn effect. Although there is no narration, the dialogue and the strong
expressive background music set the mood for the film. This film is suitable for the
general public, as it is a combination of artistry, experiment and entertainment.